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    Home > About Xiangyu > Corporate Honor
    Corporate Honor  
    1323th among Forbes Global 2000 Listed Companies -- Forbes
    25th among Chinese-Listed Companies Top 500 -- Fortune China
    National AAAAA Supply Chain Service Enterprise -- China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    2nd among China’s Top 50 Logistics Enterprises -- China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    1st among China’s Top 100 Warehousing Enterprises-- China Association of Warehousing and Distribution
    1st among China’s Transportation, Logistics, and Warehousing Enterprises -- Fortune (Chinese Version)
    54th of China’s Top 100 Listed Companies with the Highest Values -- Value Line, Sina.com, News.cn, Ce.cn, China Reform Daily
    China’s Listed Companies Golden Bull Awards of 2016 -- China Fortune Media Group, China Securities Journal
    China’s Outstanding Logistics Enterprise -- China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    National AAAAA Logistics Enterprise -- China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    3rd of Xiamen Top 100 Service Enterprises -- Xiamen Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Association
    Corporate Credit Rating AAA Enterprise awarded by China Lianhe Credit Rating Co.
    Fujian Enterprise of Abiding by Contract and Being Trustworthy
    National Advanced Enterprise in the Logistics Industry -- Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    Industry-university-research Base for Logistics and Supply Chain Management of China Society of Logistics -- China Society of Logistics
    5th among China’s Logistics, Warehousing, Distribution and Transportation Enterprises -- China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association
    National Demonstration Enterprise for Supply Chain Innovation and Application-- China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
    1st Class International Shipping Enterprise approved by Ministry of Commerce, P. R. C -- Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation
    Credit Rating 3A Enterprise -- Ministry of Commerce, P. R. C, Yellow Pages Editing Committee, Beijing National Commerce International Credit Evaluation Co., Ltd.
    National Award of Keeping Contracts and with Great Credit -- State Administration for Industry and Commerce
    Xiamen Honesty Demonstration Enterprise of 2012&2013、2014&2015 -- Xiamen Honesty Promotion Association
    China Foreign Trade Credit AAA Enterprise -- Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation
    Code of Ethics Rating AA Enterprise -- Xiamen Finance Consulting & Credit Rating Co., Ltd.
    Class A Enterprise in Xiamen Customs -- Xiamen Customs
    6th among China’s Top 100 Steel Trade Enterprise -- Mysteel.com
    The Most Potential Steel Logistics Park of 2012 in China -- Mysteel.com
    Top10 Steel Logistics Enterprise -- Chinatsi.com
    Enterprise with Outstanding Contributions to the Construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone -- Xiamen Municipal Committee, Xiamen Municipal Government
    Xiamen Major Export Enterprise -- Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce
    Fujian Enterprise of Harmonious Labor Relation -- Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resource and Social Security, Fujian Provincial Economy and Trade Committee, Fujian Federation of Trade Union, Fujian Federation of Enterprise & Entrepreneur
    Four-star Family of the Staff -- Xiamen Federation of Trade Unions
    The Best Employer in Xiamen -- Zhaopin.com, Xiamen Evening Paper
    Green Channel Enterprise for Customs Price Verification
    National Demonstration Enterprise for the Transformation and Upgrade of Warehousing Industry-- China Association of Warehousing and Distribution
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